Category: Announcements

Grass Carp video

We thought we would share a video of the Grass Carp released into the lake by Irrigation District #6. There have been two batches of fish released, and this is a video of one of the fish from the first release (guessing from the size of the fish). The fish were 8-12 inches when released, and will grow to as large as 30 inches, and live up to 15 years. They are sterile, and will not reproduce.

Remember, if you happen to catch one while fishing, you MUST release it back into the lake.

The fish have started to make a difference around my area of the lake, but still have a long way to go.

HOA Meeting 2/8/2018

*** Will be rescheduled – Didn’t have quorum ***

Neighbors, the next regular meeting of the Walker Lake Homeowners, Inc. board is scheduled for February, 8, 2018. The meeting will be convened at 6:30pm, at the HOA office/clubhouse (224 N Kika De La Garza Blvd.) on the East side of the lake.

AGENDA 2-8-18

Annual HOA Meeting – 03/24/2018

It is that time again, neighbors! The Annual Meeting of Walker Lake Homeowners, Inc. is scheduled for Saturday, March 24, 2018. We will gather at 11 AM in theĀ HOA office/clubhouse (224 N Kika De La Garza Blvd.) on the East side of the lake. We will have some eats and drinks available for your enjoyment as we recap 2017, and conduct some crucial business for the upcoming year.

2018 Dues invoices have been printed and will be going out in the mail with invitations and voting proxy forms. Be on the lookout for them.

An agenda will be attached to this post (and displayed at the office) as it becomes available.

AGENDA 3-24-18

Loose Dogs

Does this dog belong to you? Please contain your animals! This dog has been sighted in the 600-700 block of N. Kika de la Garza Blvd. antagonizing other animals in their yards. No collar, no tags. Tan male Pit Bull mix.

The City of La Joya has leash laws, and animals are NOT allowed to freely roam the streets.

Please, PLEASE, make sure your animals are kept safely in your own yard. We will be calling animal control on any animals roaming the neighborhood unattended.

White Amur released into lake!

HOA President John Salinas just notified me that 250 White Amur (Grass Carp) were released into the lake today. It is not yet clear how the permit was obtained, or by whom, but I am grateful. The fish released are approximately 12 inches long, and should mature to a length of 30-36 inches. These fish are sterile, and strictly vegetarian.

At right is a picture of the fish. If these are caught, they MUST be released back into the lake! It is illegal to remove these fish from the lake, and a Constable will be starting a patrol to enforce.

Let’s hope these fish start making a dent in the infestation of Hydrilla.